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My Services


When you need someone to walk with you on your path to enlightenment...


Coaching is an interactive, life-changing, miracle-making experience.  Coaching is for people who are crawling ahead on their own, but who would rather dash full speed ahead.


As a coach, I can help guide you with soul reaching questions, illuminating activities and rock-solid accountability. 


If you’ve been struggling to land a better, more meaningful job or business, then I’d like to invite you to take advantage of a special, "Find My Dream Job” personal consultation (by phone). We will work together to…



=> Determine what is missing and why you feel stuck.


=> Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your success

with getting the job you really want.


=> Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to get hired

in the best, highest paying job you've ever had.



If you’d like to take advantage of this very special, 45 minute “Find My Dream Job” consultation, please

answer the questions below and send them to me at:


1. Are you unemployed or do you have a job?  For how long?

2. What do you dislike about your current job?

3. What are you being paid?

4. What has kept you from making a career change?

5. On a scale of 0-10, how important is it for you to find a new career right


7. Full Name

8. Email Address

9. Phone #


I am currently offering this consultation for only $49. After sending your responses to the above questions, you can expect to get contacted by me to schedule your appointment within the next 2 business days. If you don’t hear from me right away, it means I’ve received more requests than I can handle right now and I will contact you as soon as I have an opening.


PS: The sooner I hear from you, the more likely you are to get a session this week! Email me now at:  Or call me with any questions: 707-200-1317.  I look forward to connecting!






















                                                                       Comments from Clients



“I owe it all to you and you will always be a part of my success."


Kelly has been a really good influence in my life and her coaching style has deeply enriched my life not only professionally, but spiritually as well.  Coach Kelly helped me in finding out my true wants in life while encouraging me to reach out and go for it! She helped me to envision what I wanted and how I wanted to accomplish it without fear of failure.  Thanks Coach Kelly!  I really would have been lost without your insightfulness and intuitive knowledge that encouraged me to reach out for my goals. I owe it all to you and you will always be part of my success.              


Ivette Y., Charlotte, North Carolina




“Her sensitive listening, synthesizing and clarifying of issues have helped me avoid pitfalls.”


Life has a way of interfering with the best of plans. Kelly has helped to keep me on track with my goals while life is happening. Her sensitive listening, synthesizing and clarifying of issues have helped me avoid pitfalls. Her encouragement has prompted me to my best efforts.


                                 A. Hill, Pleasanton, CA





"She helped me uncover what was somehow hidden from me."


After only two coaching sessions with Kelly, what I needed to do with the rest of my life and career goals became crystal clear. She helped me to uncover what was somehow hidden from me, and completely obvious to her. As a client in my fifties, I didn't have a whole lot of time to waste pondering these decisions and because of this, her words were invaluable to me. That was three years ago, and I am now within my final year of completing the goals we set together. There is no doubt that my goals would have continued to be pipe dreams without her endless intuition and inspiration. Thank you Kelly!


                                               Jeanette M., Folsom, CA. © 2009-2021 All Rights Reserved.

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